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Sex and Sexuality

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A question that is often brought up by people who are aggressively anti LGBTQ+ is why is so much gay/lesbian/trans media overtly sexual? Now in a world that contains 50 Shades of Grey, that is an unfair and bigoted question, however I do feel there are actual, valid reasons for sexually explicit content to be included in LGBTQ+ media. 

  1. Because of the underrepresentation of the LGBTQ+ community in pretty much all media, unless you know a queer couple, you don’t know how queer relationships look growing up. Most middle/high schoolers learn how sex and intimacy works by watching tv, movies, reading articles and stumbling upon erotica. I went through adolescence in the tumblr age which filled in a lot of blanks. But when those things don’t exist for queer people how on earth are we supposed to figure out how queer relationships work as awkward teenagers filled with hormones? So putting sexually explicit content in queer media actually helps young queer people figure themselves out and answers a lot of questions.
  1. The second reason I think sexually explicit content in queer media is actually necessary is because specifically lesbians and bi-sexuals are so often oversexualized by straight people that us putting intimate scenes in media is almost like and attempt to take back ownership over our sexuality. 

Either way, it genuinely doesn’t matter. There will literally always be more sexual media featuring heterosexuals then any other demographic so my best advice if it bothers you is get over it. The LGBTQ+ community deserves access and respect in all spaces. Equality means destigmatizing sex and sexuality.

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