From the Darkness, my debut comic book is now live on Kickstarter! I am so proud of this story and I would love to have the means to finish it so please consider backing this book!

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Percy Jackson – The Start

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So when the Percy Jackson hype started I wasn’t really a part of it as I had never read the books. I grew up with Harry Potter and it kind of seems like you were in one camp or the other so I didn’t grow up with it and I still haven’t read it. I didn’t want book knowledge to mess with my enjoyment of the show. I knew that the author of the books was involved with the Disney+ adaptation so that was a good sign.

Well after seeing the first two episodes of the series I can say that I am fully invested and I can’t wait to see where it goes. After the 8 episode first season concludes I will probably go back and read at least the first book to assess accuracy. But from what I’ve gathered from the internet the show is actually doing a pretty good job with characterization and story beats.

I have some predictions as this seems to be a pretty classic heroes journey kind of story but I will hold off at least until I see episode 3. Percy Jackson is a great character and the casting is spot on to what I would imagine a 12 year old demi-god would be like. I am also obsessed with Greek mythology so these kinds of stories are always going to get my attention. I really can’t wait to see where it goes and I am hoping that we don’t have to wait years in between seasons. Especially since they did such a great job of casting young kids, what we don’t want is for them to age faster then their characters.

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